Helen Elden
Cheryl Barron
Annette DuCharme
Leigh Ann Meinecke
Jani Gatewood
Candy Salter
Kristie Dubois
Theresa Park
Denise Joyce
Dini Schut
Michael Jahn
Nancy Pelwecki
Kathy Berry
Jan Polochko
Hal Hamer
Sandy Rowland
Becky Fitzpatrick
Skip Haddad
Charlie Johnson

Kristie Dubois chaired the meeting

General. Theresa Gragg & Skip Haddad will train committee heads and those who want to be a force in the co-op on Saturday August 4th.

A constitutional convention will be held in tile fall, between the beginning of Oct and the end of November, for a 2 day week-end. Membership, by-laws and general rules will be discussed. We might get a big turn-out. Columbus did for their FORC convention. Daycare? an evening dance? and a site will be decided by the committee members. These are:Theresa, Jani, Annette, Becky, Nancy, Helen, Charlie, Denise and Board members.Rental booths in Columbus paid for the rental of the facility.

We have 5 Board members, but need more. The Board will meet ahead of the general meeting. Future general meetings will take place on the last Thursday of each month. The site will be announced. Possibly the downtown Y or library.

Location. All our input is valuable as are suggestions for sites for FORC. If we buy we need a 25 to 30% down-payment.We might be able to buy something for $40,000 but it would need a lot of work.A lease/buy option is a possibility.If we buy a home we need a special use permit.The Ann Arbor site is 3000 sq. feet.Annette suggests not to locate in the warehouse district, but near UT, MCO or the Old West-End. Theresa Park suggests to contact Terry Glaser at the Lagrange Dev. Corp. to see if there is space to lease there. Charlie will join the Location/equipment committee.

Fundraising and finance. Becky reports we have approximately $800, we made $40 at the OWE. Suggestions are not to sell fruit kabobs at future events but only watermelon slices.

Charlie's wife Liz Talty might be able to help us write a grant. We can check with foundations for availabilty of seed money. The Toledo library has a list of corporate grants. Bob Anderson, the black sheep of the Anderson's family might be a contact, he is a strong advocate of co-ops.Carol Dunn (Center for Choice) may be willing to give us a low-interest loan. Mark's wifeKathy Berry mentioned a food co-op where peop]e had given $50 to $500 interest free loans, which were all paid back within 2 years.Annette suggested we combine fundraising with sharing our knowledge with the community (e.g. vegetarian cooking/living seminar). We will have a booth at the Birmingham festival. Denise will contribute baked goods, Nancy will work at our booth. Helen will pick up more cookbooks to be sold. Annette will join the fundraising committee. Charlie will make collapsible composting bins to he sold.

Media. Skip, Janet, and Annette (she works at a radio station) will join.

Our guest speaker from FORC and Robert Hannon were absent today.

Our next meeting will be on July 26th at 7:00 p.m. at the West Toledo library branch. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40. Minutes submitted for approval or revision by Dini Schut.