October 22, 1991


  1. Open & Welcome — Helen Elden
    1. overview of what's happened so far — Helen
    2. what's next — Kristy Dubois
  2. Reports from Committees — 30 minutes
    1. what's happened and what's next.
      1. Membership — Dini Schutt
      2. Education — Hal Hamer
      3. Finance/Treasurer's report — Sandy Craig, Becky Fitzpatrick
      4. Building — Jeannie Dery
      5. Fundraising — Kristy Dubois
  3. Break out into Committees—1 hour

    Membership, Education, Fundraising, Building Committees meet.
    Please choose a committee to join and help out.  Please note, there is a prepared agenda for each committee.  Please follow the prepared agenda to save time.  If you would like to make more changes or improvements in the committees' work join them on an ongoing basis.  Please limit your time to one hour tonight and choose someone from your meeting to report to all.

  4. Reports from the Committees — 30 minutes
    1. what's next for your committee
    2. who will do the work
  5. Questions from the floor — 15 minutes
    Please limit your questions to topics reported on tonight and allow others a chance to speak.  Thank-you!
  6. Close — Helen Elden