Phoenix Coop Board Meeting Minutes for 12/10/91

Meeting began at 8:00 p.m., present were Sandy, Dini, Hal, Becky, Kristie and Dave.  Previous meeting minutes were read and approved.

Finance Committee:  Loan package is getting finishing touches to look more professional.  Printing and assembly will follow.  Bank account balance is $2281.00.  Approximately 8 more memberships (about $200) is as yet undeposited.  We paid rent for the first time this month.  Carolyn has material for sign, but has not done it yet.  sandy will request completion by 1/1/92.  Upcoming property tax of approximately $900 is due soon.  Helen has found a new insurance to replace the cancelled policy (due to the building being unoccupied for too long); Brookes Agency.  Policy is approximately the same for $562/yr.  After brief discusslon, Sandy moved to approve this policy, Becky seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

Building prep:  Painting is in progress.  Floor repair has begun.  Electrical work in progress.  Back door is ordered; we await a return call from Vicon.  We discussed acquisition of pre-owned equipment.

Membership:  147 pd. members.  Total pledges uncollected=47.  32 maybe's, 10 paid money down who have a balance remaining.  Charlie Johnson promised he would contact all the uncollected pledgers, all the uncontacted membership drive folks, all the chiropractors from Dave's letter by this Friday.  Outreach efforts require help.  Dini couldn't find several of suggested churches phone numbers.  Fliers in use without Joanne's approval.  Non-board membership committee members keep dropping out, making Dini's efforts frustrating.

Fundraising:  Kristie will prepare a meal for the upcoming N.O.W. convention.  It is a brown bag, break-even proposition, but our presence will be felt.  No other plans at present.

Education:  Met last Tuesday.  Price for newsletter ads won't need board approval.  A table at the Toledo film festival (poorly attended) got one member and several passed out fliers.  Evan Rosen from WTOL TV wants to do a piece on the renovation work at the Coop.  Helen will try to arrange this.  Deadline for Jan. Newsletter is 12/31/91.  Hal assigned various articles to board members.

Misc:  Next meeting is 1/14/92, 7:30 at Dave's office.  Becky suggested Sandy chair a board member search committee (as recommended by Helen).  Sandy will recruit two non-board members to help on committee.  Dave spoke with Theresa re: manager interviews.  She will proceed as planned.  Claudia had not defined her impromptu 10% discount as of this meeting, but will do so soon.

Meeting adjourned 9:30

p.s.  Dave talked to Claudia on Wednesday, 12/11/91.  She spoke with her bookkeeper, who advised her to lose the proposed 10% discount, so she regretfully withdraws the offer, but would like to do something, such as share her retailing experience with us or offer some deals on vitamins, etc.  More on this as it develops.