Phoenix Board Meeting Minutes, 9/24/91

Meeting called to order 7:37 p.m.  Present were: Theresa, Hal, Dave, Sandy, Jeannie, Kristie.  Last meeting's minutes were read, corrected to show that Helen had talked to Jalmer's about being neighbors (instead of Theresa), and approved as corrected.

Finance Committee — Sandy passed out finance report.  They are reworking the Proforma, including the board’s suggested changes.  They spoke with Athens co-op.  Sandy mentioned member loans to raise capital.  We must have legal help to properly draft this possibility.  We discussed several lawyers.  Glass city credit union has too many restrictions, we discussed banks.  Becky will choose between Mid-Am and Huntington.  Becky is still looking into board liability insurance.

Building Prep Committee — Jeannie got a copy of city code regulations.  We have building permit.  Ben Solomon is presently repairing the ceiling.  Landlord is extending the free rent until 11/1/91 and will reimburse us for materials for repairs.  Helen distributed resume of Michael Dailey, who is interested in being our contractor for remodeling at $15/hr.  Sandy moved we contract with him for the work.  Following much discussion, he withdrew the motion.  Helen moved that the board authorize her to negotiate with him to be our contractor.  Sandy seconded, motion carried unanimously.  Telephone lines are in, modular jacks in basement. Sandy has two two-line telephones.

Fundraising Committee — The director of Athens co-op shared their experiences.  Their membership dues are $100.  F.O.R.C. recommended to us to raise our dues...we must get cash from our members.  More info coming from F.O.R.C.  We need to recruit more people.  Finance and fundraising committees will work separately and together on this problem.  Theresa suggested we set goals thru membership drives.  Kristie will have to form sub-committees and increase Fundraising committee participants.  We discussed raising money at length.  We will show membership a startup cost analysis in the newsletter, which Dave will write and deliver to Hal by next Monday.  Theresa offered to meet with Kristie and Fundraising Committee to offer help.

Education Committee — Hal told of upcoming newsletter contents.  Helen discussed advertising in the newsletter.  Sandy suggested Hal create an ad copy fee schedule.  We discussed giving Christena Smith a business card sized ad this issue as gratitude for her donated massages (door prizes).  Kristie moved for Hal to use his discretion about advertising, then withdrew the motion.  Theresa moved for Hal to form ad ethics committee and suggest guidelines to board.  Sandy seconded, motion carried unanimously.

Membership Committee — Helen brought membership list for Hal, who will publish it.  Theresa reported Helen's article to appear in newsletter announcing general membership meeting on 10/22 at the co-op. Board will meet at 7:00p.m., then at 7:30 will be the general meeting.  Meeting agenda was read by Theresa, who directed committee chairs about reporting to membership. We will meet on 10/8 as a planning/board meeting.  Theresa introduced Ilsa Knecht, who shared interest in serving on the board in Robert Hannon's place.  Theresa nominated Ilsa, Sandy nominated Becky Fitzpatrick.  Theresa moved, Dave seconded that nominations be closed.

Sandy moved that Becky speak to board of her interest in serving at next meeting, then we will vote on Robert's replacement.  We agreed to this plan.

Sandy announced F.O.R.C.'s annual meeting on 10/5.  Attendance reservation deadline is 9/27.  Sandy read the agenda, Kristie mentioned that much of that is valuable to us.  Sandy will go and hopefully take Becky along.  Ten responded to our Blade ad for manager.  Theresa will interview six of them.

Adjourned 10:05.