General Business Meeting Minutes for 3/24/92

Meeting was called to order by Sandy Craig.  All board members were present except Theresa and Becky.

New business was the changes of the by-laws which were all adopted as proposed except for Article VI, #6.  Skip suggested an alternative wording, which was discussed at length and adopted as follows: Parliamentary procedures may be proposed by the board and accepted or amended by vote of the membership at the annual membership meeting.

Next, the announcement of the results of the balloted board member election revealed that there was a tie for one position between Jim Lyle and Madeline Gratop.  We agreed to re-vote by members present and Madeline was elected to the board along with Kyle Grebe.  Re-elected were Hal and Becky.

Finance Committee:  Total loan commitments is $7200 from the board and $4750 from non-board members and supporters.  We will shoot for at least $22,000 in loans.  Total spent in renovations is over $12,000.  Current checking account balance = $3500 not including recent donations and new member dues.  Outstanding bills total approximately $1000.

Fundraising:  Kristie called for a variety of fundraising activities such as garage sales.  The interfaith luncheon raised $250.  There will be a comedy night and this Friday night we will have a dance at the building to celebrate its near-completion before moving in the shelves and other equipment.  There is a vegetarian dinner planned on 5/9, admission $25/person.  Others can be planned and Kristie and Dini have called for sponsors.  On 5/9 we will also be having a 5K walk-a-thon.  We will also be having a bake sale at the Old West End Festival.

Building:  Helen itemized work to date.  The committee is still searching for good used freezer/cooler.  Work list for final preparation for Friday's dance is needing volunteers.  Helen also described the work crew and crew leader methods of organizing the volunteer labor.  She also explained the eventual heating duct work we will do when we can afford to.

Membership: 209 paid members! Speaker's Bureau consists of seven members.  Dini called for opportunities for speakers to spread the work about Phoenix.  She also described the best way to get new members.  Talk to your friends and relatives and just get them to join.

Education:  Hal announced the committee's functions, especially newsletter generation and called for articles from the membership.  Next deadline is end of March.