Board Meeting Agenda May 12, 1992

  1. Old business (reading of minutes)
    Bug problem— options and vote
  2. New business
    Theresa's announcement
    Managers report

    time line to open

    systems operations

    Committee reports
    Finance— Sandy
    Speakers training
    System for postcards to donors/members
    Time line for newsletter

    Treasurer Report
    Systems for bills

  3. New business
  4. Priority setting
    Needs assessment
    Board function /Managers

Phoenix Co-op Board Meeting Minutes 5/12/92

Meeting opened at 7:40 p.m.  Present were Kyle, Gary, Dini, Kristie, Madelyn, Hal, Theresa, Helen, Becky, and Dave.  Kristie asked for the minutes to itemize specific job commitments in the future.  Minutes were accepted unanimously as printed.

Helen presented an outline of prerequisites to open the store.  Dini asked if we could hire help to speed the process.  Theresa suggested we hire a supervisor to oversee the jobs, since Helen has many more important organizational tasks to prepare for opening.  Theresa tendered her resignation from the board.  She then offered herself as hired organizer for final building preparations.  Theresa prepared an itemization of her offering (included in minutes archives) at a rate of $100/day, estimating 8-10 days completion time.  She would be able to start tomorrow.  At this job, Theresa would organize and oversee the volunteer work crews, as she did for previous building preparation.  Becky asked if Theresa would take payment over a few months, to which she agreed.  Theresa left the room while we voted.  Madelyn moved we hire as described above, Kyle seconded, motion passed unanimously.  If the job will take more than 10 days, Theresa will inform the board on the 8th day.  As a successor to Theresa on the board, several people were mentioned.  Theresa will remain available to put into action and maintain a volunteer system.

Next, we discussed pest control options.  Prythrium, Boric acid, diatemacious earth, and toxic methods were discussed.  Dini moved we hire a professional to use boric acid method.  If no Ohio contractor is available, we will hire John Shepherd of Creepy Crawly Ecological Control to do the job.

Kristie proposed a narrow list of people for access to the main office.

FINANCE COMMITTEE: Robert Jackson wrote a check for $25,000 @ 7.5% interest and seemed willing to contribute more.  Other contributions were discussed.  Walk-a-thon raised approx. $2500.  Fundraising raised about $500.  When Robert Jackson's check is deposited, we will have about $19,500.

FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE: Walk-a-thon raised the most money for the least effort.  Upcoming dinner (this Sunday) may raise $4-600.  June 12, Charlie King (folksinger) is coming to town.  Theresa suggested if Sue Carter will cover the cost, we could tag along with our name and refreshments as a fundraiser.  First weekend in June are the previously mentioned garage sales.

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: 242 paid members.  Membership cards are being typed up with June 1993 as the expiration date.  Madelyn will help with the next project, which is a membership handbook.  Kristie asked for speaking opportunities for speaker's bureau members.  She also asked for slogan suggestions.  She also asked Madelyn to consult Neil Palmer and Roger Griebe for help.

EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Char Johnson will type articles and give then on disk to Hal.  Gary suggested Kristie (or someone else) to be the media coordinator to insure all our outreach is consistent.  Theresa suggested Hal resign as Committee chair to concentrate on newsletter and Kyle take the Chair.  Kyle and Hal agreed and other potential committee members were discussed.

NEW BUSINESS: Madelyn informed us of a friend who will pay us scrap  cash and haul away junk shelving and assorted trash in the parking lot.  Dave suggested we have a garage sale at tllay Co-op for extra shelving, etc.  Becky brought subscription renewal to Co-op grocer.  To get the 5 subscription discount, we will pay for two and seek three others who will pay for a subscription.  After brief discussion of the Five Points Association, Madelyn moved we join $50 yearly, Kyle seconded and motion passed unanimously.  Kristie asked Helen to compare at other security systems and get one installed.  Adjourned 9:40.