OCTOBER 27, 1992

Meeting opened at 7:35 p.m. Present were Kyle Grefe, Dini Schut, Madelyn Gratop, Hal Hamer, Kristie Dubois, Sandy Craig,John Jascob, Ilse Knecht, managers Helen Elden and Gary Ohler, and guests Lana Voyles, Theresa Gragg, Rob Irish,and Amjad Doumani.

New Business: Corrections of the October 13, 1992 meeting: Under membership committee the second sentence should read:Neighborhood groups will be approached...Also include other comments on pnonecall outreach such as high prices and far away location. Miscellaneous: Include training for the Board.

The Sep 27 /92 minutes should include the resignation of Becky Fitzpatrick as Treasurer and as Board member.

Madelyn made a motion to accept the minutes of the October 13, 1992 and the Sep 27,1992 meeting as corrected. Kyle seconded it. Motion carried unanimously.

FINANCE REPORT: Gary reported we have about $1500 in checking, several taxes came due last week and have been paid. Two statements were passed out and will be included with the minutes. Helen and Gary will set up a system to find out what moves and doesn't move.This Sunday morning will be inventory time. The response to the question of how long can we stay solvent,was replied with 30 days under present conditions, but indefinitely with appropriate cuts and increased sales.

Sandy brought up the fact that we need more volunteer support and increased sales.

Amjad offered to display our Co-op literature which should include benefits for one's health and lifestyle and a product to entice future members.He will offer a 10% discount at B-Bops to members with a recent monthly co-op receipt. Amjad will place an ad in the Collegian featuring a 10% discount at B-bop by becoming a member of our co-op.

Gary will meet with Roger Greive after the election.

Kristie reported that 6 more precincts need to be leafletted in Old Orchard, 12 have already been done. So far only 1 person has come in with a coupon. Amjad suggested we promote membership as a gift for Christmas.

PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: There have been 2 meetings within the last 2 weeks. Theresa commented that the attached hand-out, which was passed out at this Board meeting was the result of a lot of time, energy and thoughts.

Bob Irish will contact Prof. Fleischner at Toledo University who teaches marketing and is willing to give us his input.

After much discussion Madelyn made the motion to accept the recommendations by the Personnel Committee, John seconded it and the motions was passed 7 to 1 with Hal opposing it. Both Hal and Amjad felt that too much was asked of Helen in such a short timespan. It was pointed out to them that the requests made are essential to our operation and that they should have been in place a long time ago.

FINANCIAL CUTS: Helen proposed to cut Gary and Lana to 10 hours each week, to cut both managers' salaries by 20% and Lana to $5 gross per hour.

Sandy proposed a $50 daily savings, he mentioned that we are losing $75 a day. Sandy's proposal would keep 2 managers but cut back the hours.

Gary's recommendations are: change the printing of our newsletter, ours is very high; use our volunteers more effectively, e.g. data entry; eliminate late fee charges; track our waste; track our donations, e.g. produce; pay sales tax early; use both sides of computer paper; cut down the use of our letterhead stationary drastically, it's very expensive paper; committees should raise the $ for their own budgets; donation solicitation, e.g. postage, member discount.

Rob suggested to offer a Saturday morning run on breads to up our sales, since bread seems to bring in a lot of sales.

Hal made the motion to cut salaries across the board by 20% effective the Oct 26,1992 pay period, this is on an emergency basis, and will be reviewed each month. Kristie seconded it and it was passed unanimously. Staff was urged to carry out all money reducing measures. We will keep 2 phonelines, since it allows us more monthly calls at a lower rate, and also there would be an $80 fee to reinstall the second line.

FUNDRAISING: Amjad will donate space at his shop for a concert on Sunday Nov 22nd.It can be an all-day event, with classical music for brunch, and rock music in the evening. Lana and Ilse are in charge. The money raised will be to open our freezer.

AMJAD: He proposes the opening of a coffeehouse at the rear of his shop, featuring natural juices, coffees and teas, as well as wholistic foods, all provided by the co-op. He hopes to start working on this project after the New Year. He is looking for expertise from the co-op to get a proposal written to his landlord, and to get trustworthy estimates from contractors. Dini offered to contact Bill Hirt and Tom Merritt for possible help. Meeting adjourned at 10:50.

Respectfully submitted
Dini Schut