Brady Bancroft chaired this meeting and present were Nancy Larson, Bill Gensbechler, Sharon Kessee, Sandy Craig, Helen Elden, Becky Fitzpatrick, and Tina Schlievert, acting as secretary pro-tem. The minutes of the last meeting were accepted with changes to the discussion concerning the make-up of the screening committee. The screening committee will be composed of one former board member, a member-at-large, one current board member, and a member of the staff. Sharon also pointed out that her concern about the screening committee was that it not be made up exclusively of board members.

The first order of business was discussion of the annual meeting which will begin at 6:30 on June 9, 1996, with Carol Dowdy to speak at 7:00. Sandy will make sure that the members get the ballots. Tina will make door prizes. There will be sign-up sheets for the six committees that the board has decided to form. They consist of the following: Finance, Membership/Volunteer, Maintenance, Education, Fundraising/special events, and Publication Committees. The agenda for the meeting will include the following: Volunteer appreciation, Speeches, Committee Reports, Voting.

The second order of business was a report by Helen on her recent attendance at a Coöperative Managers conference. She attended workshops, toured several stores, all of which Helen will report to the new board more fully at the next meeting. Helen further reports that it cost her about 1,000 dollars to attend this conference. It was decided that the co-op reïmburse Helen one half of her expenses. Helen reported that Stephanie is resigning and moving to Sweden. Helen also reports that Shelly has resigned from the Board which now leaves four available spots on the board.

The third order of business was a decision to have Sandy to take over the management of the production of the newsletter. Helen voices her concerns for what it is that Sandy can bring to the publication. But his offer to volunteer his time and to free Helen's time has made the board's decision unanimous. Sharon would like Sandy to seek out advertising and make the newsletter a break-even project. Sandy will have until the September newsletter to prove his ability.

The fourth order of business was Becky's financial report which shows the co-op operating at a profit of $3,078.75. But a cash flow problem is still in existence.

For the good of the order several discussions on changes to the by-laws were tabled until the new board can meet.

The meeting was then adjourned.