Tuesday — July 28, 1998 PEFC BOARD MEETING

  1. Open and Welcome
  2. Review Agenda
  3. Read Minutes
  4. Board Vacancy – John Starr added
  5. Election of Vice president – Theresa gragg Elected
  6. Treasurer's Report – mid August. New software,
  7. Committee Reports
  8. Manager's Reports
  9. Resolution to request Manager's to be board members
    1. review resolution
    2. discussion
    3. vote on resolution
  10. Discuss best meeting day and time for new board
  11. Discuss check signing policy
  12. Board/Staff development
    1. proposed trip to Ann Arbor
    2. possibilities of Board and Staff and other members seeking out training opportunities.....suggestions
  13. Open to member's comments, suggestions
  14. Any other business
  15. Adjourn

Staff meetings   all attend   ask input for those who cannot attend
$4200 in savings
ByLaw committee

July, 1998

  1. Staff changes
    1. resignations— Sharon, Lana and Peter have resigned since the last board meeting on June 16, 1998. We have attempted to reduce the overall amount of hours paid by the store.
    2. New hires— we have added two new employees to the staff since Peter's resignation. We felt it was necessary to maintain the integrity of the business to do so. Both will start at $6.00 per hour and will work a combined total of 26 hours per week, increasing as needed, considering available funds.
  2. Staff Meetings
    1. Meetings have been conducted three of the five weeks since the board meeting in June. with staff changes and conflicting schedules it has been difficult to conduct them weekly, but will commit to executing them in this next month.
    2. Staff meetings have been successful in helping employees to relate concerns regarding task execution and as a tool to help the employees to build relationships.
  3. Staff Evaluations

    Staff evaluations have been difficult to complete. Currently we have completed only two of the staff, Lana and Sharon. These will be available no later than August 5, 1998.

  4. Physical Plant

    The floor of the co-op needs to be professionally cleaned. The board should consider appropriating funds for this.