Phoenix Earth Food Co-op

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Monthly Meeting.

December 4, 2008

Begun at 6:20 pm

Ended at 8:19 pm


Board members in attendance:

Yvonne Goodwin, President

William Watkins, Vice President

Lisa Blake, Treasurer

Will Mellon, Secretary

John Klear

Sandor Halasz

Tammy Brandner

Karl Richarson


Also in attendance:

Abby Youngs, GM

David Finet

Meeting opened at approximately 6:20

After reviewing the minutes from November’s meeting, Yvonne motioned for approval of the minutes, including changes made by Will Mellon. Minutes were approved by vote of the board.

Next action, after a brief description of himself, Yvonne nominated John Klear for a 1-year term on Board of Directors. The Klear was elected to the board by vote of the board.

The board was moved into an executive session at 7:10.

NGCA loan repayment begins February. Amounting to a $4,200 monthly payment.

Board decided to meet bi-weekly for an unsaid duration of time.

Yvonne moved to make Abby Youngs and Helen as the two sole bank signers. The decision was approved by vote of the board.

Meeting adjourned at 8:19.