Board of Directors Meeting
November 2, 2009
Special Board Meeting called by Tammy Brandner, president

Meeting called for the purpose of discussion and action concerning the board's deteriorating relationship with the manager, Abby Youngs.

Present: Tammy Brandner, Sandor Halasz, Karl Richardson, John Starr, Yvonne Goodwin, Shawn Stein, Lisa Blake

Absent: William Watkins

Problems re: relationship with certain board members. General discussion following included examples

Abby was supposed to meet with Shawn Stein about the posters regarding the annual meeting. In spite of the fact that they'd been talking on the phone shortly before the meeting, Abby never showed, never offered an explanation, and never apologized.

Feedback was obtained from Sasha, who had worked as bulk manager and quit due to problems with Abby. Sasha reported that Abby corrected her in a very negative way in front of customers. The pressure of working short-staffed was increased by Abby following David Finet's advice that she not be working on the floor. The truck came in with a huge order and Abby started painting. Sasha was angry enough to pull out her money, citing as the reason that she believes the co-op will be going under and she is afraid to lose her money.

Sasha and others reported that Abby's manner with men was different than that with the women: relationships with the women seemed more strained.

Old-timers came in to tell Abby they weren't happy with the changes within the store. Sasha felt they weren't handled well.

Two older women came in, and while there, Abby was loudly and obviously bashing Christianity. Said much the same to Shawn: Abby's anti-Christian stance is not the problem. Her lack of discretion in discussing it is. This is a problem. Toledo as a proving ground for "converting" people to better eating based on the Maker's Diet has brought us new people, and these people are Christian.

She has been exhibiting a very negative view of the board, about which she has been quite vocal. She has repeated her opinion that the board is a do-nothing board, and that two members are not paid up and therefore not legally board members. She complains that they are not volunteering in the store, and they are not shopping.

On the day of a conflict with Tammy, Abby commented that the Board is up for re-election, implying that a turnover of the board would be most welcome. Tammy is certain she meant it as a threat.

Shawn: Abby won't listen to Helen. Abby wanted to put tables outside. Helen said that anything put outside would be stolen; everything outside disappears. Abby was reluctant to concede that Helen's experience in this location should be heeded.

Abby expressed that the feast was very poorly attended, but it turns out that there was no publicity: not in the nonexistent newsletter, and not flyers.

We need to nip this deterioration in the bud. Her evaluation is due. Abby deserves a heads-up and a chance to change the relationship with the board before that evaluation.

At the next meeting, we will bring up the following points with her:

Relationship with the board must improve. It is part of your job to get along with the board of directors. Do you really want to alienate anyone who shops there, let alone any board members? This area will be an important point covered in your upcoming evaluation.

Meeting adjourned.