1.      Call to Order. There were present John Starr, Sam Rodriguez, Shawn Stein, Tammy Brandner, and Abby Youngs; later Halász Sándor.

2.      Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes. Minutes from November meeting approved

3.      Update on GM Board Evaluation

*       Update on GM-BoD evaluation will have to move to January.

*       What are we going to do about a raise once evaluated.

*       Discuss further by e-mail & know by the first week of JAN.

4.      General Manager’s Report

*       Discuss PoS: cheapest is 14,000 recommended one to allow for growth

*       All except one coöp has a PoS System.

*       We need PoS before moving locations.

*       Dessert sampling was successful.

*       Coöp had 2500.00 Day Average. Cost very low. Will continue each month on Owner Day.

*       SWAG

*       New Store sign

*       Daily Avg for Nov was 1530.-.

*       Abby s laptop was stolen from under the counter.

*       Discussed new laptop and Desktop and budget about $500.00 total. SR moves to afford a replacement for laptop, with lock, under $600; HS seconds, passed.

*       There is now a volunteer coördinator, Linda Rodela: how to make good use of her?

*       There are yet cockroaches in the shop, although not many. SS worries about spray s scattering & spreading, and traps and bait and other methods are mentioned, but AY says other organic coöps do the same.

*       SS asks about pantry moths, but (AY) they often come in; the best is to chill in freezer, killing the eggs and larvæ, but there is for that too little freezer space.

5.      NCGA Proposal

*       In four paiments the coöp pays $2550 for a $5550 program, CB101. It is held in Mt Pleasant (Mi). There comes with this 15h consulting.

*       SR moves, TB seconds, to participate in CBLD; passed.

6.      Update on Robert Jackson Loan Pay Down

*        For moving to pay this off really is needful. Doubtless then a new loan will be needed. Maybe the lawyers Veronica Murphy and Eric Britton will be helpful in writing up a new loan. Maybe the other coöps will help with 36–48-month loan. Interest rates now are low.

*        JS wishes anew to found finance committee, inviting 2, and to rewrite the loan, from $31,000 to maybe $25,000.

7.      Review of Annual Meeting

*        (SR) Although he has not shown up at a meeting, Sam Melden is yet interested, has ideas to get customers, to spread the word. (JS) We need a marketer.

*        HS asks about the yearly-meeting minutes: with a year between meetings, to get minute-approval is hard. (JS) Maybe in CB101 that is addressed.

8.      Election of Board Officers for 2011

*        SR is elected president, JS treasurer, and HS secretary.

9.      Other Business

*        Through Leah Foley there is a computer to replace the coöp s. TB has Tornado, for copying files. (JS) Quickbooks Pro is supported for only three years at a time: it is time for a new version.

*        (HS) It would be good if membership information were on the membership webpage. It is decided that through e-mail all of the board will have a hand in it.

10.   Agenda Items for Next Board Meeting

*        Evaluation. SR lacks TB s and JK s evaluations.
SS and TB speak of a gap between vision & accomplishment
A punch clock, or (SS) timesheets, would be good, showing howmany hours the staff works,

11.   Adjournment