On November there were present John Starr, Sam Rodriguez, Halász Sándor, John Klear, and Abby Youngs.

1.    The meeting was called to order at 18:14 by John Starr, president.

2.    The October minutes were approved.

3.    At the yearly meeting
JS wishes to talk about two-year performance, 2009 statements, Xcl graph, and the board retreat; and
AY to discuss moving the coöp, good feeling in the store, community involvment, and the good of a PoS system.
JK is against a general call to the board.
Volunteers are needed. SR suggests that any volunteers sign an agreement of compliance.
At the meeting SR will look for volunteers, and for director-candidates.

4.    GM s report
There is a problem with the scale: storing prices for printing. JS & SR ask about 'phone support: not enough. SR bids AY e-mail the board about any change.
Food-tasting is to be on Sat, 1-6
Jacqueline is to be here in December; JS asks when, for how long. AY will ask; SR craves that she report, by e-mail
Billy Woodruff, NCGA merchandizer, to store for a day (layout, product flow, key): a good thing, this visit, but AY will be away
WTOL invited AY to cooking show on Friday at 9. (SR) It is the outcome of a press release. AY does not know when it will be aired. SR bids her let us know; and use it at the yearlie meeting

5.    A committee is formed, of SR &SS
A timeline is needed, for completing by new year or soon after. SR bids directors by 22d by email send him their evaluations, by the 29th he joins them for the coming meeting.
SR bids AY by e-mail send him what she wants to accomplish, ….

6.    HS says there are 112 full shareholders.
SR says of the messages he sent around to 13, one was curt, there was bad e-mail address, not all answered.

7.    AY says that the new sign with hanging will cost around $1500, with $100 for the license.
SR moves that $1700 be allowed for it, HS seconds, approved.
There is no logo change, only name change.
SR suggests a press release about it; Leah Foley is recommended.
AY says there are now T-shirts and bumper-stickers, $500 worth. At best the coöp will break even. All-American screen printing charges $1 each, after $100 for set-up. The shirts are of organic cotton.
There are also aprons for the staff; maybe it is easer to get the staff to wear them.

8.    AY says there are now cockroaches in the basement, maybe from the construction in the street. Friends Pesticide Service has been called.


10.              Adjourned