-Weekly email updates + facebook ☺

-Ok, so you may have heard already..the computer at the co-op broke and we've since replaced it. It's going along great and the new technology is definitely moving things along faster in our office. Thanks for your support in this and thank to Sam for all of his efforts to get us back up and running!

-Our cooler went out last week and we had to have it fixed. Unrelated..they're replacing a part in our compressor as well that had been recalled. It's now functioning and we're still getting by.

-Now that I'm back in business with my personal computer and we've got an up and running computer at the store, I've resumed weekly email updates. I not also post them on facebook under discussions to hopefully get more people in the know!

-Thanks again for my raise. I really appreciate it.

That's about it for now! I'll let you know if anything comes up before Tuesday! Have a great weekend!!