Call to order. There were present from the board Sam Rodriguez pres (SR), Shawn Stein (SS), John Klear (JK), Tammy Brandner (TB), Sándor Halász sec'y (HS), and GM Abby Youngs (AY).

Approval of Minutes.

Treasury report. Tabled

Website report. (mostly JK)
Traffic is flat 800 p.m. (12 per day)
The mailboxes are ready; there is a stub for the HTML newsletter.
The flyers, too, are on line, older ones too; AY deems that good.
JK wrote up a privacy policy, maybe it belongs on the subscription page.
Suggestions for recipe link (recipes not from published cookbooks), calendar, Sylvania-Av construction info.
SR suggests flyer for recipes, AY in keeping with the member-day theme.
SS suggests how-to texts.
There are test pages under

Mission statement. Variant D (overleaf) was best liked; SS will tweak.

GM-report. AY: aside from the snow day, for a half day closed, there is nothing to report.

New-manager search.
AY: the staff craves a say in the new GM s hiring: one of them on the search committee, or interview with staff…. JK finds it good, also TB and HS; SR and SS not.
