1. Meeting begins at 6:15
  2. All board members present: Pete DeWood, Catherine Hernandez, President Halasz Sandor, Helen Elden, Treasurer Leah Foley, Secretary Stacey Grasso, Vice President Shelley Luettke
  3. Minutes reviewed for approval. Leah recommends change to Oct. 25th minutes as to providing a time limit for members to receive a full refund. Minutes approved.
  4. There is more discussion regarding membership payment plans, timelines, penalties and forfeitures.
  5. Motion approved to table Phoenix name change until Annual Meeting in order for 2/3 majority to rescind.
  6. Treasurer/Financial Report- The debt with AT&T has been resolved- debt was forgiven. Regarding CDS contract- money is still owed. We agree to pay third quarter. Issues regarding contract left- undecided. Leah gives sales report.
  7. There is discussion on guest speaker at Annual Meeting and compensation/expenses to be paid. Motion approved.
  8. Leah announces an unemployment claim has been filed for Mike Kelly.
  9. Relocation Committee- Noel presents fact-finding report on alterations and improvements required at the Brewed Awakenings and Licata Jeweler stores.
  10. Membership Contact Committee- Angie & Shelly state they are calling members for undated information. Sandor suggests a new brochure be designed containing membership information.
  11. Website Committee- no report. There is a reminder that committee members should give reports at Annual Meeting.
  12. Other Business- Co-op fundraiser at Revolution Collective- no final report on total donations was given. Catherine suggests implementing a round-up at cash register.
  13. Report on Annual Membership Meeting/ Board Applications:
  14. 14. Oct. 25th minutes are signed and dated by secretary for Huntington Bank loan
  15. Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.