1. Board Members present: Pete DeWood, Catherine Hernandez, President Halasz Sandor, Helen Elden, Treasurer Leah Foley, Secretary Stacey Grasso, and Vice President Shelley Luettke. Meeting begins at 6:15 p.m.
  2. Board reviews minutes from Oct. 11th meeting. Minutes approved.
  3. Motion approved that the Board President, Halasz Sandor and the Board Treasurer, Leah Foley will be signatures and sign bank loan.
  4. Leah has asked AT&T to remove charges from account that former Board President failed to cancel, as we are disputing that bill which now totals $408.00.
  5. There is a charge of $1662.50 due to CDS Consulting Firm. Member suggests we obtain all records of services/hours they provided to determine if there is a possible breach of contract. Motion is made that Treasurer look into the matter. Motion approved.
  6. Leah provides Board with record of former Manager's Mike Kelly's hours and earnings. Question is raised as to whether he can file for and receive unemployment. Motion is approved to make attempt to deny claim.
  7. Leah gives summary of NCGA and its functions. She will research cost of their services.
  8. Leah passes out information about Ken Charboneau, former G.M. of People's co­op in Ann Arbor and recommends him as a guest speaker at our Annual Meeting.
  9. Leah gives print-out on co-op's current rent calculations. Leah informs board that the monthly financial report was sent via E-mail.
  10. Shelley informs Board that former Board President, Sam Rodriguez, wants his membership money returned. Discussion ensues on the missing minutes. The question is posed as to why Sam's membership should be returned in light of the AT&T debt. There is further discussion regarding policy for returning membership fees (when requested). Leah recommends a time limit be established for returning membership fee.
  11. Relocation Committee Report: Noel presents update and handout on buildings the committee has looked at thus far.
  12. Fundraising Committee: no report.
  13. Membership Roster Report: Sandor states we have approximately 160 members but can not determine who is active or non-active among membership. He states concern regarding this issue and establishing a quorum.
  14. There is discussion as to dropping inactive members from roster, and whether their membership fee would become a donation/gift or property of the state. It is agreed we need to devise a plan to .track active members and update our list. Suggestion is made to start a Membership Contact Committee.
  15. Website Committee: no report.
  16. Helen discusses Board of Directors Nominations and passes out forms. A recommendation is made to review By-Laws regarding conflicting information as to who may serve on the Board.
  17. Sandor presents letter he received from Mike Kelly stating he would not sign document saying he returned computer. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.