Phoenix Co-op Board Minutes 4/5/2012

  1. Meeting begins @ 6:35; absent- Stephen Vines
  2. Minutes from 3/29/2012 approved.
  3. Resignation of board president; new board president elected: Steve Steel; new vice president: Sandor Halasz.
  4. Retiring of relocation committee; motion to retire relocation committee approved; suggestions made on procedure to decide on new location; next board meeting to decide process and final decision to be made May 15; it is agreed to alert membership through E-mail, store signs, etc.
  5. Financial/manager's report: manager reports business is up from Blade article; discussion ensues as to what information should be given in financial report; discussion on road signs regarding construction.
  6. Comments from members: current landlord offered lower rent in exchange for lease; parking lot to be paved.
  7. Meeting adjourned @ 7:25.

Stacy Grasso, sec