Phoenix Earth Food Co-op
Minutes, Board Meeting 8/21/2012

Resolutions are numbered R1–R4.

  1. Meeting began @ 6:35pm—present: Pete DeWood, Sandor Halasz, Steve Steel, Steven Vines (arrived later during the meeting), Hermann von Grafenstein, Lisa Blake (General Manager, GM); absent: Shelly Boraby.
  2. Minutes of 7/24/2012 meeting were approved with amendments (4/0/0) (for/against/abstentions)) (R1).
  3. Relocation
  4. General Manager's reports and financials
    1. Jackson Loan update: A letter to Jackson heir Ms. Zeigler, drafted by Hermann von Grafenstein, had been approved by Attorney Scott Ciolek and was to be signed and sent by the President Steve Steel.
    2. Huntington credit line: An application has been submitted without mentioning the Jackson loan as a liability. A motion was passed to authorize Sandor Halasz and Lisa Blake to sign the note (4/0/0) (R2).
    3. General Manager's (GM) Report

      GM Lisa Blake reported that Leah Foley had resigned as the Co-op's bookkeeper, but was willing to stay on as the Co-op's herbalist. The GM will advertise for a part-time position.

      The GM distributed the July financial report and mentioned that $5,000 had been withdrawn from member's equity during August and $9,000 so far this year. Some of the equity had been used to buy a new freezer but most of it for store operations. Member's equity is now $6,433.

      Lisa Blake will be in Boston during Sept 17–Sept 20 to attend NCGA's General Assembly.

      Steven Vines arrived at the meeting

      A discussion was initiated regarding the Co-op's equity position. Steven Vines suggested that the Co-op consider purchasing the building currently housing the store. The interest on a loan of that amount would be considerably lower than the current rent. Steven Vines reported to have had a conversation with the owner who indicated that he would make the building available for approximately $40,000 and would even help to find financing for the purchase. Steve Steel mentioned that he knew an inspector of commercial real estate who could inspect the building. A motion was passed to hire a building inspector for $300.- or less (5/0/0) (R3).

  5. Date of next meeting:
    The next Board meeting will be held on Sept. 4, 6:30 pm. Sandor Halasz will check the availability of the West-Toledo branch library story time room.
  6. Steven Steel left the meeting at 7:40pm. Sandor Halasz took over moderating the meeting.

  7. Membership committee report.
    Several members of the membership committee were present (Barbara and Rachel Merzke and Kim Spitnale) and reported to have had a meeting. A discussion ensued exploring new ideas to improve contact with Co-op members and receive more feedback from them. One suggestion was to attach a coupon to surveys to increase participation. Helen and Leah will email members to remind them that they can submit special orders. Steven Vines suggested starting a buyer’s club, which could be a tool to recruit new members. During a subsequent discussion reservations were expressed as to whether a buyer’s club is logistically feasible and within the mission of the Co-op.
  8. Nomination committee, director recruitment, annual meeting.
    The date for the next membership meeting was set for Sunday, October 21 at the First Unitarian Church, or at an alternative location that should be closer to the store. If no suitable meeting room can be found for 10/21, Sunday October 28 will be an alternative date. (4/0/0) (R4)
  9. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Supplementary documents

General Manager’s Financial Report


Submitted 9/4/2012 by Hermann von Grafenstein, Secretary