Phoenix Earth Food Co-op
Minutes, Board Meeting 9/4/2012

Resolutions are numbered R1–R5.

  1. Meeting began @ 6:42pm. Location: Story room of West Toledo Library Branch. Present: Pete DeWood, Sandor Halasz, Steve Steel, Steven Vines, Hermann von Grafenstein, Lisa Blake (General Manager, GM). Absent: Shelly Boraby.
  2. Minutes of 8/21/2012 meeting were approved (5/0/0) (for/against/abstentions)) (R1).
  3. Annual meeting
  4. Current Building

    A discussion that began at the previous Board meeting was continued. If relocation is not imminent, it would be cheaper to purchase the building and pay interest on a loan than renting the building at the current rate. To evaluate the purchase option, Seagate Inspections could be asked to inspect the buildingstructure and Adam Martinez, a colleague of Steve Steel on the City Council and a professional real estate inspector, could evaluate the market value of the building. Reservations were expressed that owning the building could be a liability rather than an asset.

  5. Relocation
  6. General Manager's Reports and Financials
  7. Membership / Board
  8. Date of next meeting:

    The date of the next meeting was set at Tuesday Sept. 25 at the West-Toledo branch library story time room. A second meeting was set at on October 9 to prepare for the annual membership meeting.

  9. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12pm.

Supplementary documents

General Manager’s Financial Report

Submitted 9/25/2012 by Hermann von Grafenstein, Secretary________________________

Submitted 9/25/2012 by Hermann von Grafenstein, Secretary