
Phoenix Earth Food Co-op (PEFC)
Minutes, Annual Meeting 10/6/2013

Location: Augsburg Lutheran Church, 1342 W. Sylvania Ave. Toledo OH 43612

The meeting was called to order at 6:43 pm.

  1. President’s address

    President Sean Nestor gave the State of the Co-op address. Major points of his address were

  2. General Manager’s report

    GM Lisa Blake presented financial information that supported President Nestor’s positive characterization of the state of the Co-op. She explained how Phoenix Earth Food Co-op and Co-ops in general benefited the local economy and community. Lisa characterized the Co-op as an information hub where people come together to exchange ideas that facilitate the improvement or our community. Her advocacy for labeling of food from genetically modified organisms was a major topic in her address.

  3. Presentations by current board members

    Current board members Shelly Boraby, David Bohon, Tom Fine, Sándor Halász, Anita Levin, Sean Nestor and Hermann von Grafenstein gave a short presentation explaining what guided them in their role as board members. Common themes were:

  4. Presentations by candidates for board elections

  5. Elections

    Voting procedure: Members had been notified in a letter sent by mail that they could vote by either

    1. using a mailed ballot and bringing it to the store
    2. casting a ballot at the membership meeting
    3. using a mailed out ballot and have another member bring the ballot to the meeting.

    Vice President Sandor Halasz supervised the voting process. Ballots collected at the store were added to ballots cast at the meeting.

    Results: A total of 38 votes ballots were cast, one ballot was invalid. The total number of valid ballots exceeded the number of 30 necessary to reach a quorum. Votes were counted by President Sean Nestor and Secretary Hermann von Grafenstein. Vice President Sándor Halász excused himself because he was a candidate. The following members were elected:

    Shelly Boraby, David Bohon, Sándor Halász, Alyx Kendzierski and Nichole Nauden.

    Sean Nestor asked Jodie Kania to attend all board meetings and be available as a new member of the board should any of the current elected board members have to resign.

  6. Closing remarks

    Sean Nestor emphasized that the goals for the next year should be

    A small chart should be displayed in the store showing current sales and progress in member recruitment. This should help motivate members to work towards common goals. The fact that during the past year membership could be increased by ~100 was encouraging and a reason to celebrate.

  7. Open discussion

    During an open discussion new ways of outreach were discussed, such as creating a Co-op cookbook (Jodie Kania). Members were invited to volunteer at Co-op event such as inventory and to actively participate in Co-op committees, particularly the outreach committee. The Co-op’s outreach committee now has a calendar of events suitable for outreach activities. Members were encouraged to sent Information about any future events suitable for the Co-op’s outreach effort to outreach@phoen….

  8. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:32pm


Submitted by Hermann von Grafenstein, Secretary