Phoenix Earth Food Cooperative
Board Minutes
June 22, 2016

Present: Morgan Blake Member/Guest, Leah Foley – Staff, Sean Fitzgerald, General Manager, Tom Fine, Anita Levin, Hermann Von Grafenstein, Sandor Halasz, Adrienne Armstrong, Shelly Boraby.
Absent:Tiffany Hubbell, Caitlin Cousino, Alyx Kendzierski

  1. Meeting Called to Order: 6:40 PM at the Toledo-Lucas County Main Library, by President Hermann.
  2. Minutes – MSC unanimously, to approve minutes of last Board meeting, 5/25, 2016, as revised.

    Reviewed Action List:
    Hermann – Initiate Review of General Manager
    Need new date for Potluck
    Email sent to attorney on Jackson loan.

  3. General Manager Report – Sean Fitzgerald submitted report in writing, Blade article did raise interest in Coop.
  4. Outreach – Adrienne reported on successes at OWE Festival. Need volunteers for Teams Health Fair. Hermann will start a Doodle Poll. Registering for Art on the Mall, 7/31/16. Discussed impact of Blade article and how to keep the coop programs in the news. Coloring book completed and ready for copying and distribution – thank you Adrienne!
  5. Jackson Loan update –Heirs accepted our settlement offer. Agreement will be drafted by attorneys and reviewed by Executive Committee before signing.
  6. Shelly had to leave at 7:30 PM

  7. Financial Reports – Tom Fine reported as circulated.
  8. Specialty Programs
  9. Aquaponics.&Wild Food Initiatives are in progress. Will work on expanding publicity as these programs are operational.

    Discussed instituting Member-to-Member Service to assist in members delivering coop orders to shoppers who cannot make it into the store. Anita, Adrienne, Hermann and Sean will draft proposal. Helen has been doing this unofficially for years. Anita will arrange the first meeting.

    New Action Items:

    1. Hermann – Doodle for Art on Mall Volunteers
    2. Hermann – thank you to Mary at the Blade
    3. Leah – contact Mark Mockensturm for accounting issues on Jackson loan settlement
    4. Hermann – initiate Executive Committee Review of General Manager
    5. Hermann – follow up with attorneys on Jackson Loan settlement
    6. Hermann – check with Alyx, Shelly and Caitlin re: remaining on the Board.
    7. Sean – Consider appropriate shopper-members for potential Board positions.

    Anita – initiate first meeting to work on Member-to-Member Program

  10. MSC – Adjournment at 7:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Anita Levin, Secretary