Phoenix Earth Food Co-op (PEFC)
Minutes, Board Meeting 7/26/23

Location: Teleconferencing CISCO WEBEX

Present:, Hermann von Grafenstein, Anita Levin, Thomas Fine, Sándor Halász, Monika Perry, Maureen Ciesinski, Alyx Kendzierski, Hal Hamer member

Absent: Varṣaṇa Myers, Adrienne Armstrong, Sean Fitzgerald GM

MSC - Moved, Seconded, and Carried Resolutions are numbered R1-3

Meeting convened at 6:05pm.

  1. Port Authority Loan - Hermann and Anita presented the financial data impact on accepting the Port Authority Loan package. Discussion ensued. Motion, with friendly amendment, to accept the Port Authority Loan up to $40,000 for a 10-year period paid thru the Property taxes. MSC -R1
  2. Approval of Minutes-Minutes of 6/28/23 Board Meeting discussed and approved as circulated. MSC -R2
  3. General Manager Report - GM report discussed as circulated. Board discussed having GM report membership numbers and recruitment efforts on a regular basis, preferably monthly.
  4. Finances - Anita presented the May 2022 financial reports. Trend is improving over May 2022.
  5. Outreach Committee - Adrienne was not present. Hermann reported the next program will be Art on the Mall at UT on Sunday 7/30/23. Still looking for one or two volunteers. Hermann, Varṣaṇa, and Janice Flahiff are scheduled. VeganFest in Detroit in August, Adrienne has planned to attend.
  6. Review of Action Items - Items discussed as circulated. New items from today's meeting added.
  7. Executive session - Evaluation of GM. Hal H left the meeting
  8. New Business- Set Annual Meeting for Sunday 10/29/23. Monika and Anita will get room. Inventory for Coop tentatively set for Sunday 8/27/23, 5 PM. Sean F will confirm.
  9. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:13PM MSC - R3
  10. Next Regular Board Meeting will be Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 6 PM via Webex


Respectfully submitted, Anita Levin Secretary