Phoenix Earth Food Co-op
Minutes, Board Meeting 9/25/2012

Resolutions are numbered R1–R2.

  1. Meeting began @ 6:38pm. Location: Story Room of West Toledo Library Branch. Present: Shelly Boraby, Pete DeWood, Sandor Halasz, Steve Steel, Hermann von Grafenstein, Lisa Blake (General Manager, GM). Absent: Steven Vines.
  2. Minutes of 9/4/2012 meeting were approved (4/0/0) (for/against/abstentions)) (R1) with amendments. Steve Steel arrived after this vote.
  3. General Manager's Reports and Financials
    1. GM Lisa Blake distributed (1) Balance Sheet, (2) Profit and Loss Statement (3) Profit and Loss, Year to Year Comparison
    2. Jackson Loan
      At the time of the meeting no response from Jackson heir Deborah Ziegler had been obtained yet. There was consensus that it was too early to remove this debt from the books. At least 30 days need to pass from the date of the receipt of the letter that had been sent to indicate that the debt is void and the Co-op will discontinue payments. Rachel Merzke (a member) recommended putting the payments into escrow.
    3. GM Lisa Blake reported that the $17,500 credit line from Huntington Bank had been approved.
    4. Financial situation
      GM Lisa Blake reported that during the past week, cash flow was the lowest ever and recommended not spending money on anything non-essential, such as $300.00 for the inspection of the building the co-op currently inhabits. A motion was passed to defer this inspection until the Co-op is in a better financial position (5/0/0)(R2). A debate ensued as to what could be done to increase sales. Lisa Blake reported that TOLEDO CHOOSE LOCAL has chosen the Co-op as one of the sites for a Cash Mob action on Sat Oct. 13. This should help increase visibility of the Co-op. Steve Steel suggested that it should be our goal to get as many members as possible to our next annual membership meeting to make the case that the survival of the Co-op is at risk and that members utilize the Co-op more to ensure its survival.
    5. Replacement of bookkeeper Leah Foley
      GM Lisa Blake reported that she has hired Payal Grewal as a bookkeeper to replace Leah Foley.
  4. General Manager's Report: NCGA meeting
    GM Lisa Blake discussed the situation of the Co-op with others at the NCGA meeting and received several recommendations: During a subsequent discussion, a number of ideas were discussed to energize members. Members need to be aware that the Co-op's survival is not guaranteed.
  5. Relocation
    Realtor Meghan Malczewski is currently identifying suitable sites for relocation, including 5834 Monroe Street (former Pasta Fina, and 3310-3328 Glanzman (next to Mexican restaurant La Hacienda).
  6. Membership & Board
    A discussion was held regarding as to how the store could be reorganized to widen its appeal and foster a sense of community among Co-op members. For example, movable shelves could allow space to be created for cooking classes and other events. More generally, renovation of the store space is urgently needed. If we ask members to make donations for this purpose, the goals should be specific. Donations could be for (1) movable shelves (2) a new floor (3) a security camera.
  7. Date of next meeting:
    The date of the next meeting was set at Tuesday Oct. 9 at the West-Toledo branch library story time room. The sole topic of that meeting will be preparation for the Annual Membership Meeting.
  8. The meeting was adjourned at 8:24pm.

_______________________Hermann von Grafenstein, Secretary____________________________

Submitted 10/9/2012 by Hermann von Grafenstein, Secretary

Documents distributed during the meeting:

(1) Balance Sheet

(2) Profit and Loss Statement

(3) Profit and Loss, Year-to-year comparison